We offer a wide range of options and materials to create the perfect piece to complement your event.

Our Services

  • Acrylic Signage and Letters

    Available in many sizes, thicknesses, and colors, the possibilities with Acrylic feel limitless. From small bar menus to large seating charts, we can help you create a beautifully designed piece to match your event. Choose from vinyl application, acrylic-cut, or etched lettering.

  • Mirrors and Vinyl

    Whether it’s a seating chart or welcome sign, mirrors are a classic and practical choice for your special event. We do not currently offer rentals, but can write on or apply vinyl lettering to your provided piece. We partner with seasoned calligrapher, Catherine, to design and create your piece.

  • Custom Wooden Structures

    Looking for something a little different? We can create structures up to 8’ tall and 12’ wide in an array of different colors and finishes.

  • Paper Signage

    If you’re looking for bar signs, menus,, or other paper goods to go along with your signs, we have you covered here as well. If we can’t help, we have preferred vendor partners we can recommend to help.

  • Place Cards, Escort Cards, and Table Numbers

    We can create escort cards, place cards, and table numbers to help add the perfect touch to your event.

  • Engraving Services

    We can engrave on most materials, creating a distinct etched look. Engravings can also be filled in with color for even more customization. Flat Stock up to 2’x3’ (longer items possible on special request, up to 2 ft wide)

Our Process

Step 1: Reach out

Contact us to begin the process of creating your custom signage. Let us know material, budget, and any inspiration that you have that can help us create the piece of your dreams.

Step 2: Planning

Once we have aligned and an estimate is approved, we can move forward with creating proofs.

Step 3: Create

Once your proofs are approved, we will begin to gather materials to create your project.

We’d love to hear what you have in mind.